Tag Archives: native american

Using blood quantum, will there even be a Seventh Generation?

This topic won’t go away until it goes away. So here goes. In The Truth about Stories (2003), Thomas King (Cherokee) discusses the blood quantum approach that the government of Canada uses to determine “status Indians,” whereby those born a … Continue reading

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From Afghan interpreters to Apache scouts and beyond: White America’s non-white allies are enemies until proven otherwise

Afghanistan This week the world was horrified to see images of 640 men, women, and children crowded into the hold of a US military cargo plane on the tarmac in Kabul, while hundreds ran alongside the plane as it took … Continue reading

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Erasure, white fragility, and the verbal monuments of bird names: Should we hold people in the past accountable to present-day mores?

When addressing historic wrongs, and especially memorials that honor people that perpetrated historic wrongs, a common challenge is: Should we be holding these people accountable according to modern values and mores? There are two big problems with this question. Almost … Continue reading

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Land acknowledgement: Neah Bay, Washington

One doesn’t really need to do a land acknowledgement for Neah Bay because it is still in Makah hands. But I’ll do it anyway: This is Makah Nation land. It’s my first time here, in the northwest corner of the … Continue reading

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America, meet the real Pocahontas

These facts are well-documented: Pocahontas was kidnapped by the men of Jamestown. Then, while in captivity, she was impregnated by and married to one of her captors, John Rolfe. Like one of the Boko Haram girls. He took her to … Continue reading

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Land acknowledgment: North Davis, Yolo County, California

My 2019 new year’s resolution is to do a “land acknowledgment” for every place I stay during the year. I’m starting with my home in Davis. Land acknowledgments began recently with First Nations in Canada and are simply a public … Continue reading

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Voter suppression led to unusually high voter turnout by Native Americans in North Dakota

After a last-minute court decision required Native Americans in North Dakota to have street addresses instead of PO boxes, the affected tribes and other organizations mobilized to created the needed documents. Election returns from the 2018 midterms show that the … Continue reading

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The Native women in the Capitol Rotunda

In the center of the US Capitol, under the iconic white dome, is a large round room called the Rotunda. There are eight niches in it, circling the room, each with an oil painting twelve feet tall and eighteen feet … Continue reading

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Alt-history Part 2: The mound builder myth reborn, Nazis, and Solutreans

  Continued from Alt-history Part 1: The mound builder myth and ethnic cleansing. The myth lives on The mound builder myth justified the ethnic cleansing of the 1800s. It was seemingly put to rest in 1894 just as Native Americans were … Continue reading

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Alt-history Part 1: The mound builder myth and ethnic cleansing

Throughout the 1800s, most white Americans believed in an alternative history– that they were here first; they are the true “natives”, related to the Mound Builders; and that “redskins” have no real claim to the land. Marietta, Ohio Traveling down … Continue reading

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